World Confederation of Education - COMED |
Education for all
COMED attend to “Education for All (EFA) in Latin America and the Caribbean: Assessment of progress and post-2015 challenges” in Panama and Peru.

The meeting was organized with the purpose to set up the schedule Post 2015 (2013/30). In this occasion, COMED was the only ONG invited in representation of the private education field. The “Education for all” initiative was promoted by five multilateral organizations, which are UNESCO, UNICEF, PNUD, UNFPA, and World Bank.
Before this, COMED took part in the meeting organized in Panama, where they decided which issues was going to be in debate in Peru.
The Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) reaffirm that the education is a fundamental human right, a basis guaranteeing the realization of other rights, and essential for peace and inclusive, equitable and sustainable growth and prosperity in the region. Also, they believed that the contribution to the reduction of inequality and poverty through the provision of inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all is a principle of the post – 2015.
In conclusion, the priority areas for the LAC region are:
- Equity, quality and inclusion.
- Inclusive and equitable lifelong learning for all.
For that reason they commit to address all forms of exclusion and discrimination, disparities and inequalities, in access to and in the completion of education and learning cycles, processes and outcomes. For last but not least, they recommend that UNESCO continues to lead, coordinate and provide technical support for the implementation, monitoring and accountability of the future post – 2015 education agenda.