World Confederation of Education - COMED |
Lisbon, Portugal - 2015 |
“The new Education in the digital age”
October 9th and 10th of 2015
Corinthia Hotel Lisbon - Lisbon, Portugal
On 09th and 10th October 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal, was held the XI World Congress of Education: "The New Education in the Digital Age", organized by the World Confederation of Education (COMED); the European Association of Private Education (CADEICE); the Federation of Educational Associations of Private Education of Latina America and the Caribbean (FAEPLA), the Association of Private Institutions and Cooperative (AEEP) and the Association of Autonomous Centers of Private Education (ACADE).

COMED“s authorities with representatives of different countries.
This edition of the Congress was attended by representatives of more than 200 educational organizations worldwide, comprising over 75,000 centers in the classrooms more than 28 million students are educated each year; and the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Portugal, Paulo De Sousa Nuno Crato Arrobas.

The President of COMED, Edgardo N. De Vincenzi, together with Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Portugal, Paulo De Sousa Nuno Crato Arrobas; and COMED’s authorities.
During the same the institutions present committed with the principles of inclusive education with quality and equity reaffirmed, giving support to the Ministerial Declaration of Lima and Goals 2021 of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) ; and recognizing education as a fundamental human right, and the Freedom of Choice as an inherent condition to it. For this, the development of teaching strategies and institutional arrangements that promotes learning to learn, learning to undertake, intellectual cooperation, creative intelligence and intelligent emotion, accompanied by the implementation of a curricula that support the development of skills personalizing personal and social institutions.
Educational innovations are crucial for anticipating responses to emerging problems and offer new solutions to the outstanding issues, and the climate of innovation can only be generated within a framework of pedagogical and curricular freedom, so it is necessary to create and promote a professional culture in the teachers and educational institutions, allowing an ongoing reflection and debate on innovation and educational change, with a smooth exchange of experiences among all countries.

This process of incorporation information and communications technology in education in order to improve the teaching and learning must be accompanied by a thoughtful analysis as it seeks to promote multiculturalism and diversity as an inherent component of quality education. Education, drawing on the richness of diversity, should, through innovative teaching and learning processes contribute to a fuller human development and a source of understanding, pluralism and social cohesion.
Within this framework, the methodology used in Congress to the different types of development sessions was:
Plenary Meetings: |
- “The profession of weaving dreams: teaching in the 21st century” by Sir John Jones. |
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- “The creative school: of learning to learn to learn to create” by Carla Rinaldi. |
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- “To educate with talent” by José Antonio Marina. |
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- “Neuroscience and New Education” by Alexandre Castro Caldas. |
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- “Education for a new age. Steve Jobs Schools” by Maurice de Hond. |
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- “Invisible learning. Towards a new ecology of the education” by John Moravec. |
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- “The liquid modernity. Three principal challenges of Education in the new society” by Zygmunt Bauman. |
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International experiences: We will have a selection of the best educational Centers of the world, that they will go to the attendees of the Congress their excellent experiences to show us. |
Experiences of success: Colleges of Portugal, Spain and Southamerica:
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Current Status of Education in the World:
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Innovation Lab: Space created for the research, design and presentation of the most innovative offers of the educational world. |
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Masterclass: Special sessions, taught by the most prestigious speakers from Congress, for a small number of attendees in a practical and interactive format. |
John Moravec |
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Carla Rinaldi |
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Maurice de Hond |
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Congress attendees during the plenary sessions.
Friday, 9th October
08.30 Hs. |
Check - in |
09.15 Hs. |
Welcome speech and Keynote speech: The new education in the digital age: Personalizing School.
Moderator: Lic. Javier Hernández. |
10.10 Hs. |
Innovation Lab: New methodologies that are changing the world of education.
Moderator: Lic. Ezequiel Mateo Martinich. “The continuous boredom being the basis of an outdated system that does not seek learning but certification. We have to make the educational revolution, but... how to implement it?” |
11.30 Hs. |
Coffee break Exhibition area, business and networking and photocall |
12.00 Hs. |
Experiences of success: Colleges of Portugal, Spain and Southamerica.
Moderator: Francisco Salazar |
13.00 Hs. |
Tour with lunch (optional). |
15.00 Hs. |
Masterclass: John Moravec (optional). |
16.00 Hs. |
Official Inauguration
Moderator: Dr. Antonio Sarmento. |
17.00 Hs. |
Conference: “The profession of weaving dreams: teaching in the 21st century” by Sir John Jones. - Member of the National College of School Leadership and Leadership Development Unit in UK. Moderator: Ing. Luis Franchi. |
18.00 Hs. |
Coffee break. Exhibition area, business and networking and photo call |
18.30 Hs. |
Current Status of Education in the World
Moderator: Jorge Cifuentes. |
19.45 Hs. |
End of Sessions. |
Saturday, 10th October.
09.00 Hs. |
Masterclass: Carla Rinaldi (optional). |
10.00 Hs. |
“The creative school: of learning to learn to learn to create” by Carla Rinaldi “The child is a real investigator... Nevertheless, it is possible to destroy this attitude with our answers”. Moderator: Lic. Perpetuo Lentijo |
10.50 Hs. |
Coffee break Exhibition area , business and networking and photocall |
11.20 Hs. |
“To educate with talent” by José Antonio Marina. “In comparison with the United States, where there is a culture of risk and innovation, we live in a society mentally aged, who takes refuge in routine or in the protection of the State” Moderator: Lic. Perpetuo Lentijo |
12.10 Hs. |
“Neuroscience and New Education” by Alexandre Castro Caldas
Moderator: Lic. Perpetuo Lentijo |
13.15 Hs. |
Tour with lunch (Optional). |
14.30 Hs. |
COMED Annual Assembly. (For members of the Board of COMED). |
16.00 Hs. |
Masterclass: Maurice de Hond (optional). |
17.00 Hs. |
“Education for a new age. Steve Jobs Schools” by Maurice de Hond.
Moderator: Ing. Luis E. Franchi. |
17.50 Hs. |
“Invisible learning. Towards a new ecology of the education” by John Moravec “The technological change stimulates the social change, and its impact is hastening of exponential form. Our schools, universities and other institutions must generate a jump improve to be able to compete in a society based on innovation”. Moderator: Ing. Luis E. Franchi. |
19.00 Hs. |
“The liquid modernity. Three principal challenges of Education in the new society” by Zygmunt Bauman “Young people coming out of universities in this time of crisis were educated on the idea that study provides them a good social arrangement. And yet, not were prepared to be immersed in a society of rapid changes. Moderator: Antonio Sarmento. |
20.00 Hs. |
Closing Act:
20.40 Hs. |
Closing Cocktail and award the Prize “Best Innovative experience of the XI World Education Congress 2015”. |
21.30 Hs. |
Closure of the Congress. |

Authorities and assistants after the Closing Ceremony of the XI World Congress of Education.
Organized by:
- COMED: World Confederation of Private Education.
- CADEICE: European Association of Private Education.
- FAEPLA: Federation of Educational Associations of Private Education of Latina America and the Caribbean.
- ACADE: Association of Autonomous Centers of Private Education.
- FUNDEL: European Foundation Education and Liberate.
- AEEP: Association of Private Institutions and Cooperative.
Recognized by:
- Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - Brazil.
- Corporación Nacional de Colegios Particulares de Chile - Chile
- Embassy of The State of Qatar, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Foro Europeo Educación y Libertad (FUNDEL).
- Grupo Educativo UNIS - Brazil.
- Grupo Educativo VanEduc - Argentina
- Instituto Marcos Aurelio Soto - Honduras.
- Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud. Facultad de Medicina. Fundación H. A. Barceló - Argentina
- Universidad Abierta Interamericana - Argentina.
- Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio - Spain.
- Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación - Paraguay.
- Universidad de la Marina Mercante - Argentina
- Universidad del Aconcagua - Argentina
- Universidad del Este - Argentina
- Universidad Juan Agustín Maza - Argentina
- Universidad Católica de Cuyo - Argentina
- Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería de Nicaragua - Nicaragua
- Universidad Privada de Ciencias Administrativas y Tecnológicas - Bolivia.
- University of Central Arkansas - United States of America.
- Risk Consultancy Services ltd, Cayman Islands
- Universidad Nacional de Lanús - Argentina
- Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia - Perú
Declared to be interest by:
- Honorable Senado de la Nación Argentina
Declared to be of educational interest by:
- Universidad San Pablo (Tucumán) - Argentina.
Declared to be of Provincial Educational Interest by:
- Dirección General de Planeamiento, Evaluación y Control de Gestión de la Provincia de La Pampa - Argentina.
Declared to be of academic interest by:
- Secretaria de Políticas Universitarias del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación - Argentina.
Supported by:
- Foro Argentino para la Educación Internacional - Argentina.
- Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe (IESALC/UNESCO) - Venezuela.
- Oficina Regional de Educación de la UNESCO para América Latina y el Caribe (OREALC/UNESCO) - Chile.
- Consejo de Rectores de Universidades Privadas (CRUP) - Argentina.
COMED - Confederación Mundial de Educación (World Confederation of Private Education).
90, Chacabuco St. 2nd Floor PO Box 1069AAB
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Phone: (+54) 11 4342 8604 / (+54) 11 4343 2466 / 6155 / 7108
Web Site:
CADEICE - Confederación de Asociaciones de Centros de Enseñanza Privada de la Unión Europea (Confederation of Private Education Centres of the European Union)
85, Ferraz St. PO Box 28008
Madrid - Spain
Phone: (+34) 91 550 01 02
(+34) 902 10 40 80
Fax: (+34) 91 550 01 22
Web Site:

To visit the oficial web site of the World Education Congress, visit this link