World Confederation of Education - COMED |
Buenos Aires, Argentine - 2022 |
"Recovering and transforming education for a sustainable future"
On October 13th, 2022 , the Universidad Abierta Interamericana in Buenos Aires, Argentina will develop the ¨ VII ARGENTINE CONGRESS OF EDUCATION AND PSYCHOPEDAGOGY – CAEyP 2022¨ and host virtually the XIV World Congress of Education: "Recovering and transforming education for a sustainable future", organized by the World Confederation of Education (COMED).
The World Confederation of Education (COMED), an NGO with permanent cooperation with UNESCO. Since its origins, it looks forward to develop an education that ensures social inclusion and democratization of education, promotes the pursuit of quality education for all the citizens of the world, through a pedagogical proposal of personalized education.
The choice of the virtual format based in Buenos Aires, Argentina as the basis for this congress, is not accidental, given that the World Confederation of Education (COMED) has been carrying out a large number of actions in the field of social development and bringing education to the World Congress to all regions of the planet and this year marks the 20th anniversary of the VI WORLD CONGRESS OF EDUCATION held in Buenos Aires in 2002, convening experts from around the world who at the beginning of the current century held the meeting.
Main topics of the Congress
· Education as an encounter: each lesson is as an experience.
· A world in unstable transition: the school facing the challenges brought by technological development and by the acceleration of cultural changes.
· The contributions of the III Regional Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean and the III World Conference on Higher Education.
· Reflections on the recovery and transformation of education for a sustainable future.
· In search of lost time: the effects of the pandemic on school systems. Current situation and remedial actions.
· The training of "World Citizens" from Early Childhood Education to Higher Education in the framework of cultural diversity.
· Possible paths of personalized education at higher education level:
o Conceptions about the activity of reading academic texts in university students.
o Evaluative practices in higher education. The analytical rubric, an effective. Self-assessment and peer assessment tool. Face-to-face and online courses.
· Pathways for the construction of sustainable education:
o Comparative analysis of quality of education studies.
o The State and its role in the process of internationalization of higher education in Argentina and the reaction to Covid-19.
Access for the preliminary program:
- English version
- Spanish version
In addition to COMED, as organizers of the Congress, so are the Federation of Educational Associations of Latin America and the Caribbean (FAELA), the Confederation of Associations of Private Education Centers of the European Union (CADEICE), and the Association of Autonomous Centers Private Education (ACADE); We also have the collaboration of educational institutions from more than 20 countries in Asia, America, Africa, Europe and Oceania.
For more information:
World Confederation of Education
Address: Chacabuco 90, 2° piso, Bs As, Argentina
Phone: (+54) 11 4343 2466 / 6155 - (+54) 11 4342 8604
Fax: (+54) 11 4342 8604
Web site:
Dr. Edgardo N. De Vincenzi
- CV - Prof. Dr. Edgardo
N. De Vincenzi
- CV (brief version) - Prof. Dr.
Edgardo N. De Vincenzi
Dr. Jesús Núñez Velázquez
1. Sponsor meetings, workshops, congresses, conferences, symposia and many other academic activities related to educational issues and the realization of its objectives.
2. Make public its purposes and accomplishments through the distribution of bulletins and the diffusion of educational and cultural materials.
3. Foster the exchange of educational administrators, institutions, teachers, and students among countries, in order to carry out studies and research aimed to strengthening international integration.
4. Support agreements on behalf of the Federation's objectives between its members and any other national, regional or international organization of similar nature.
5. Maintain solidarity with existing or yet-to-be-created organizations with similar objectives, as well as with international organizations, by sponsoring and holding the necessary meetings to achieve the designs set forth in these by-laws.
6. Promote the creation of educational or cultural institutions which aim to the achievement of these purposes.
7. Promote the exchange of knowledge and skills, plans and programs, methodologies, technologies and educational experiences in general, as well as the exchange of rules and regulations concerning these items, by providing proposals and information to national education systems.
8. Support, publish, and implement prevention and public-service campaigns connected to the issues of education and culture.